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Sharon A. Steele
Sharon Steele was born in rural Eastern Washington to a poor and uneducated farm family. While they lacked material possessions, their home was filled with warmth, love and laughter. Sharon's godly mother had a profound influence on her life, raising Sharon and her three siblings with an acute... show more

Sharon Steele was born in rural Eastern Washington to a poor and uneducated farm family. While they lacked material possessions, their home was filled with warmth, love and laughter. Sharon's godly mother had a profound influence on her life, raising Sharon and her three siblings with an acute awareness of God's love and compassion. It's not surprising that Sharon has always felt a loving commitment to God and a deep desire to serve Him. Sharon began teaching adult Bible studies when she was just 21 and discovered a God-given ability that surprised her and those she taught. Years of writing lesson plans prepared her for an even more astonishing opportunity. One day the editor of Aglow Bible studies approached Sharon and asked if she had ever considered writing a Bible study book. Being a stay-at-home Mom without a great deal of formal education, that thought had never crossed Sharon's mind. However, a seed had been planted and the thought began to grow. With much help from God, Sharon put together a manuscript that was accepted for publication. KEYS TO CONTENTMENT was first published in 1981. Once she had discovered the aptitude and joy of writing, she wanted to continue. THE NEW COMMANDMENT and CHOOSING TO CHANGE followed in the 80's. All three have been re-released by Gospel Light with the titles FINDING CONTENTMENT, LOVING LIKE JESUS, and TRANSFORMED BY GOD'S WORD. Sharon is currently putting the finishing touches on a Bible study based on the book of Ephesians. Sharon still loves to teach and speak to women's groups and also enjoys reading, hiking, and gardening. She and her husband live in Lynnwood, Washington and have three adult children and five grandchildren.

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debjonesdiem rated it 6 years ago
Hard Wood by A.R. Steele is a m/m romance, so it may not be for everyone. Ms. Steele has delivered a book that is well-written. I enjoyed the cast of characters. Gabriel decides to audition to be a male stripper. Ace is a rich boy stripping only because it was fun, until it turned into the job h...
Kitty's Book Spot!
Kitty's Book Spot! rated it 7 years ago
This is book # 2 in the Foster Puppies series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. For reader understanding and enjoyment, I always recommend readers get through the series in order. Ludlow meets Richard in a local watering hole. He is really quote obnoxious, and a bit full of himself....
Kitty's Book Spot!
Kitty's Book Spot! rated it 8 years ago
Tynan finds a lost puppy and recruits Harley to help. Turns out the puppy is going to be a mom. Harley and Tynan end up fostering the mom and the pups until they can be given up for adoption. Harley can hardly believe his luck! Meeting a guy who is not only good looking, but loves animals too. ...
Kitty's Book Spot!
Kitty's Book Spot! rated it 8 years ago
This is book # 6 in the Tool Shed series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. It may contain spoilers for those who have not read the rest of the series. Austin is the protector. He is also the bouncer. Who protects him, when his heart is at stake? He puts himself out there, but he h...
Kitty's Book Spot!
Kitty's Book Spot! rated it 8 years ago
This is the 5th book in the Tool Shed series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. For reader enjoyment and understanding, I recommend reading in order. Yorick & Wright have been sort of friends for a while. Yorick enjoys making new friends where he works. Even though he does not feel ...
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