Jednym z największych koszmarów dla współczesnych nastolatków jest wyrwanie ich z ich środowiska, odcięcie od znajomych i wywiezienie w miejsce, gdzie telefon kiepsko działa. I to właśnie spotyka młodego bohatera powieści Sharon Gosling.Przeprowadzka ze Sztokholmu na plantacje choinek na północy Szw...
Review to come..
(I got a copy through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.)A fast read, and one of those books I wish I had liked more (Victorian London + circus + thief + mechanical inventions: what's not to like in there, really?), but also one that didn't convince me in the end, unfortunately.Things I li...
I got this ARC from Netgalley and this is my honest review of it. Remy Brunel is a trapeze artist but she also has a secret profession wich is not considered exactly respectable namely that of jewel thief,wich she steals on order from her master Gustave. Thaddeus Rec is our other viewpoint chara...