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Sheila Mary Taylor
Born in Cape Town beneath the towering slopes of Table Mountain, married to mining engineer Colin Belshaw and mother of Colin, Peter and Andrew. Sheila is a 'swallow'; she lives from November to May in Cape Town, and May to November in the Mediterranean island of Menorca, with the odd month in... show more

Born in Cape Town beneath the towering slopes of Table Mountain, married to mining engineer Colin Belshaw and mother of Colin, Peter and Andrew. Sheila is a 'swallow'; she lives from November to May in Cape Town, and May to November in the Mediterranean island of Menorca, with the odd month in the spring and autumn at her home in Wilmslow, England. She has books published under the names of Sheila Belshaw, Sheila Mary Taylor (her maiden name), and in the literary world is also known as Sheila Mary Belshaw.All her books are available both as paperbacks and e-books. Her psychological legal/crime thriller set in Manchester, UK – 'Pinpoint' – by Sheila Mary Taylor has been featured in the Amazon.com Kindle top 100 Mystery/Crime Bestseller list several times. Her inspiring memoir, 'Fly With A Miracle' – first published by Denor Press in 1999 – about her son Andrew's heroic battle against teenage bone cancer, is now available in an updated revised edition with the new title of 'Count to Ten', by Sheila Mary Taylor, published by Precious Oil Publications, in Northern Ireland.'Dance to a Tangled Web' – first published in February 2013 – is a romantic drama set in London and Menorca, and her latest novel is called 'Golden Sapphire'. This is set in the Gemfields of Queensland and in London, and is also a romantic drama. All Sheila's fiction is set in places she has lived in permanently, or knows very well. There is also a short novella – 'Eldorado' set in Ghana. With her editing hat on, Sheila recently resurrected and edited three of her late mother's unpublished novels – 'Kathie', 'Don't Tread on My Dreams', and 'Rage of Life' by Dora Taylor, all of which were published in 2008 and 2009 by Penguin, 33 years after her mother's death. Dora Taylor subsequently won the South African Posthumous Literary Award. Sheila loves writing romantic novels and has four romances published which are also available as e-books on Amazon.

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