Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, Christiane Amanpour, and the (Ongoing, Imperfect, Complicated) Triumph of Women in TV News By Sheila Weller ISBN: 1594204276Publisher: Penguin PressPublication Date: 9/30/2014Format: OtherMy Rating: 4 Stars A special thank you to First to Read Penguin Group, for an ARC ...
When I first saw this book, my reaction was that it looked terribly interesting, but I wondered about the choice of subjects. If I were to write a book about women in TV news (and believe me, I have absolutely no expertise on this subject at all -- I am just an average news consumer), and had 30 se...
Disclaimer: I won an ARC (uncorrected proof) via a Giveaway on Goodreads. My news program of choice is Newshour on PBS. I watched World News Tonight with Charlie Gibson, and my reason for the change, in part, is below. I should also note that Katie Couric makes me feel like someone put their nails d...