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Sheldon Moldoff
Sheldon Moldoff's Books
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Rich's Gulag
Rich's Gulag rated it 12 years ago
This really is not a book for the casual reader of comic books, unless they don't mind real fifties goofiness. Don't expect any angst or metafictional deconstruction; Blackhawk was a simple about a group of aviators who started out fighting Nazis and the like, and went on to battle giant monsters, ...
The Great Destroyer
The Great Destroyer rated it 13 years ago
I started watching the Batman animated series and I’m in love with it! That made me want to know more about our dark avenger, so it made sense that I get the original comics and give them a try. This did not turn out as I have planned.First of all the illustrations suck. Bigtime. But keep in mind th...
sixthreezy readsies
sixthreezy readsies rated it 13 years ago
Old Batman bores me.. I read the first few stories and skimmed the rest. Interesting to see where some of the trophies came from but it's just kind of dull and repetitive...
Dantastic Book Reviews
Dantastic Book Reviews rated it 16 years ago
Showcase presents World's Finest contains lots of Superman/Batman team ups from the 1950's. They're clearly geared toward younger readers but still good for a chuckle in a Mystery Science Theatre kind of way. It's funny how many of the stories involve both Superman and Batman lying to Lois Lane.Hal...
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