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I really enjoyed most of the stories in this collection, and who doesn't love Sherman Alexie?
An amazing collection, half of which are a sampling of Alexie's best previously published stories and the other half new. What always amazes me about Alexie is how he is able to use humor to make palatable the many ugly, tragic things about which he writes. In the hands of a less competent writer, t...
Corliss wondered what happens to a book that sits unread on a library shelf for thirty years. Can a book, rightfully, be called a book if it never gets read? “How many books never get checked out?” Corliss asked the librarian.“Most of them,” she said.Corliss had never once considered the fate of lib...
What a great new collection of short stories. I loved all the new stuff, and it was interesting to read the older stories in a new context. What I have read of Alexie's work in the past has often seemed like several variations on the same song (a good song, don't get me wrong; the sort of song I w...