Shiriluna Nott is a 30-year-old gal from the northeast, currently residing in upstate New York with her four fur babies (three dogs and a cat).She and fellow author SaJa H. created the world of Arden and its many colorful characters during their teenager years and have been writing short stories...
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Shiriluna Nott is a 30-year-old gal from the northeast, currently residing in upstate New York with her four fur babies (three dogs and a cat).She and fellow author SaJa H. created the world of Arden and its many colorful characters during their teenager years and have been writing short stories about it ever since. Her friends and family have always encouraged the duo to turn their short stories into a series fit for publishing, and so, they are doing just that, starting with Gibben Nemesio's journey from poor farm boy to... well, you'll have to read the series to find out! ;-)Believing that the fantasy genre is overflowing with traditional characters, it is Shiriluna's goal to feature non-conventional leads in her novels, including quite a few LGBT characters. Some of the authors Shiriluna is most inspired by include Anne Rice and Mercedes Lackey.If you'd like to receive updates about future projects, including new releases in the Chronicles of Arden series, please sign up for Shiriluna's mailing list here:, feel free to follow Shiriluna on Twitter @ShirilunaNott or 'Like' her author page on Facebook:
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