by K. Allen Wood, Vincent Pendergast, Leslianne Wilder, Kurt Newton, Cate Gardner, Grá Linnaea, Sarah Dunn, Ricardo Bare, Christian A. Dumais, Mercedes M. Yardley, David J. Bell, Nick Bronson
Rat Burner by Richard BareThe sound of rats, to live with a hooker and share a bed with her. He is the guide to the black door. 4 starsSweepers by Leslianne WilderThe city went down food got low where did these things come from? 4 StarsHide The Sickness by Mercedes M. YardleyWorking with boys who h...
At eighty-two pages, Shock Totem #2 is slim, attractive and promising. I often prefer shorter periodicals as the lengthier issues seem to be stuffed with filler material, and with a total of fifty-seven pages of fiction, I opened the glossy cover waiting for a wallop of prose.Now, the first thing I'...