by MissAnnThropic
3.5 Stars .This is not a Sterek romance instead it is mostly sterek bonding as Derek help & comfort stiles while he deals with the aftermath of the nogitsune leading them to form a two-men pack, this was a sorrowful beautiful story that ended in hopeful note, I love reading [a:MissAnnThropic|1186765...
Oh I liked this very much. Stiles post Nogitsune is one of my favourite tropes and this one was really well done. Stiles may be free of the Nogitsune but he is in no way healed and won't/can't except help from anyone, until that is Derek comes across him while he is out for a way past midnight strol...
This was all kinds of wonderful. It left me with warm fuzzies.There's not a lot of romance in this. But you know what? It's still amazing. And I loved it. I loved Stiles and I loved Derek.I definitely want to read more fics from this author.
Did I miss something? This was supposed to be a romance, right?I actually really did like it, if it had been longer. This was a very enjoyable dark fic with Stiles and Derek growing close when Stiles is dealing with the aftermath of the Nogitsune.