Shouhua Qi believes that "a story must be exceptional enough to justify its telling" (Thomas Hardy) and that creativity comes from "the abrasive juxtaposition" of life experiences (Mario Capecchi).Qi's fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Feminist Studies, AMBIT, The Connecticut Review, Rain...
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Shouhua Qi believes that "a story must be exceptional enough to justify its telling" (Thomas Hardy) and that creativity comes from "the abrasive juxtaposition" of life experiences (Mario Capecchi).Qi's fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Feminist Studies, AMBIT, The Connecticut Review, Rain Flower, and many other publications. He is the author of "Twin-Sun River: An American POW in China" (2011), "Purple Mountain: A Story of the Rape of Nanking" (2010), "Red Guard Fantasies and Other Stories" (2007), "Pearl Jacket and Other Stories" (translator/editor, 2008), "Bridging the Pacific: Searching for Cross-Cultural Understanding Between the United States and China" (2000), and more than ten other books. His latest scholarly endeavors include "The Bronte Sisters in Other Wor(l)ds" (as co-editor and contributing author; 2014) and "Western Literature in China and the Translation of a Nation" (2012), both published by Palgrave Macmillan. Shouhua Qi is Professor of English at Western Connecticut State University.
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