by P.D. James
I believe it was Red Skelton who said that to be a writer you have to be a close observer of human nature, but not so close that you start to hate everyone. P.D. James seems to frequently drift across the line into hating everybody. The men in James' world tend to be pompous, self-absorbed, preening...
2 starsYou were such a little boring piece of a novel that I couldn't find the strength to finish you. #sorrynotsorryI'll see you in hell, weird-looking, dough-faced and weary-eyed nurses who are completely unable to say a single interesting thing.Thank you so much for making me lose my precious tim...
I just returned from our book discussion group at our local public library where the book under discussion was Shroud for a Nightingale by P.D. James. Granted, this is a general reading group so not everyone there is a hard-core mystery fanatic like me but I was surprised to find that I was the only...
It's been a while since I read a PD James book. I forgot how satisfying a mystery they are. Sex & secrets abound in an incestuous small nursing school. There was a lot of talk about there being no secrets or privacy in a small dormitory like setting. And certainly everyone has secrets, both smal...
More like 3.5 stars rounded out to 4. Slow paced but well worth it in the end. The plot is a little byzantine and I dislike the way James uses the trope of her lead character explaining his theory to his staff but not the reader. James goes even further in this novel with the sergeant acting under o...
Listened to this on audio. It's been a while since I read/encountered the Daigliesh stories -- I wonder if this one is darker or more depressing than others? It seemed that way to me.
Fantastic characterisation.
PD James is an OK author for me..not my favorite British mystery writer, but her books do keep me entertained, so I continue with them. This was was ok..not really memorable.
Awesome - James gets better with every novel. Compared to Nightingale her first few Dalgliesh novels fall flat on teh page - this one smolders. Can't wait to read The Black Tower now.
[These ntoes were made in 1988:]. Given that I read this shortly after having surgery, a real shudder-inducer for me. It's set in a hospital, where a student nurse is painfully murdered while acting as the "patient" in a demonstration. Shortly thereafter, another student nurse dies, apparently by ...