Shutter Island
9783550084577 (3550084579)
Edition language: Deutsch
Czy można żałować obejrzenia dobrego filmu, którego fabuła nas wciągnęła i zaskoczyła zaskoczeniem? Okazuje się, że tak, jeśli sięgamy po książkę na podstawie której ów film powstał. Nie chodzi o to, że film jest gorszy czy lepszy, ale że czytając nie mamy możliwości przeżywać tych samych emocji i n...
So this book was okay, but the ending was a letdown especially since when you think about things in a logical way you realize that what was really going on was pretty dumb. The book drags a lot too. The movie managed to move things along quickly with a lot of great imagery. Lehane in this book thoug...
Da ich den Film schon vorher gesehen habe, und die Meinung bzw. das Vorwissen sich durchaus auf meine Bewertung des Romans auswirkte, ist eine Book2movie-Rezension in diesem speziellen Fall unerlässlich. Buch: 3,5 Sterne Sehr wohlwollend aufgerundet auf 4 Sterne Dieser Roman hat von der Atmosphä...
I have seen the Martin Scorcese movie of Shutter Island, so I actually knew how this story would end. Nonetheless, I immensely enjoyed reading this novel and yes the book is better than the movie, again. It is a gripping and unique read, full of tension and the strenght of this novel lies in Lehan...
What a terrific supense novel by Denis Lehane. Even though I had seen the movie many years ago I had always wanted to read the book and was so glad I did as I had forgotten the plot anyhow and the book proved to be so well written and intriguing that it had me on the edge of my seat.The novel is s...