by Roger Zelazny
Très chouette volume, une belle montée en puissance de l'histoire générale, beaucoup plus intéressant point de vue intrigues et compréhension du monde et des Ombres, globalement la saga devient de plus en plus intéressante à chaque tome, c'est assez rare.
The world as we know it is a mere shadow of the true kingdom of Amber, a land bereft of shadow, and home to several princes and princesses vying for the empty throne that rules over all. A metaphysical fantasy with complex magical systems, an intriguing back story, and a clever mix of a multitude of...
More court intrigue & weirdness. Meh. Definitely seeing the continued influence that this had on the writing of Planescape: Torment, which is cool.
Number three in the Amber Chronicles, Sign of the Unicorn is a much more engrossing addition to the series than the previous two Amber books. It's a more compelling novel, with fast-paced adventures and familial murder plots and schemes. The suspense that has been increased and built up in each succ...
Before marrying someone, you should try to read as many of their books as possible. The Spouse's collection was smart and funny, and more extensive than mine.
I would rather have Sign of the Unicorn than all the boys in the Valleys.-- [b:Among Others|8706185|Among Others|Jo Walton||6449955]