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Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale - Community Reviews back

by Elisa Freilich
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Punk's House of Books
Punk's House of Books rated it 11 years ago
My Rating – 2 3/4 Stars I received a free digital copy of this novel from Netgalley on behalf of Diversion Books in exchange for a fair review Portia Griffin can’t speak. She has never been able to speak though doctors can’t figure out why. She has been able to lead a pretty normal life, despite...
A Reader's Heart
A Reader's Heart rated it 11 years ago
This book was given to me from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I need to disclose that this was NOT A FINISHED COPY! Some of this book could have changed by the publishing date.That being said, I will go on with my review. First off, I did not finish this book. Normally I don't revie...
Wayward Kitsune
Wayward Kitsune rated it 11 years ago
Actual rating: 0.5 starsThis review is also posted on my blog at Thoughts and PensBefore we proceed to the actual review, here's an attempt to put some accurace into the blurb!Silent Echo, a wannabe Glee meets Greek Mythology parody tale, is the ultimate modern day coming-out-from-a-loony bin story....
Khanh the Killjoy
Khanh the Killjoy rated it 11 years ago
Recommended for:1. People whose knowledge of sirens is limited to those things in police cars that go "whoo whoo."2. People who loved the poetry that their 7th grade crush wrote for them.3. People who have eaten dinner beforehand and not susceptible to sugary metaphors.4. Fans of Apple®."I am blesse...
The Reading Perusals of Rose Summers
The Reading Perusals of Rose Summers rated it 11 years ago
Initial reaction: Some say bad verse begets bad verse, that lyrical cheese begets lyrical cheese. No two people are going to think the same way of a piece of music or poetry, but one would think that to pen lyrics and verse in a work, there's an art to being able to let the words carry themselves an...
Ally rated it 11 years ago
I’m going to be honest with everyone here. The few reviews that are already up for this book are glowing 4- and 5-star reviews. That’s what I thought I would be giving this book when I first read the description. A mute girl whose best friend is deaf? I was already sold. But I was extremely disappoi...
bookshores rated it 11 years ago
Portia Griffin, a girl who has not had a voice for the past sixteen years, discovers she does have one, after all--but that it isn't exactly natural. She, along with those close to her, must face the consequences of her startling lineage. There's Felix, with whom she shares a powerful bond, and the ...
EmilySavant rated it 11 years ago
God’s that text? Mythological beings getting played by autocorrect? Dionysus with a MacBook?Does all that get your nerdy blood flowing? Then you’ve come to the right place.I, for one, love Greek Mythology. It’s something that is completely interesting to me and I’ve always wished was real. (And it m...
sunsetxcocktail rated it 56 years ago
Couldn't finish. Didn't start out too badly, pretty interesting, until the lyrics, poetry and insta love started. I'm not a lyrical poetry fan and the poetry was annoying. The main character started getting on my nerves. My knowledge of greek myths is limited, so I googled Sirens and did a little r...
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