Not very impressed with this one, it could have been fantastic. The storyline was fun and different and great. The specific YA setting may have been a bit silly for me, but it's good that there are books out there for teens. That said, it never really took off on the right foot. It went running th...
*wearily removes eyeglasses and pinches bridge of nose*This book.The good:✅ Fun premise.✅ Cute MC.✅ Compelling love interest.The bad:❎ A villain who spends 99 percent of the story off-screen, who is summarily defeated when someone presses a button.❎ Typical American schizophrenia about sexuality (he...
FW 40% off-I'm trying new to me authors.
4.5 starsReview Summary: An engrossing story that seemed to be an m/m twist of some of the classic sf/fantasy novels I read as a kid.Review: I downloaded the excerpt from Amazon to see if I wanted to read and review something by a new-to-me author. I took it as a very good sign that I didn’t want to...
This review can be found at The Armchair Reader.4.5 starsThe blurb does a pretty good job of explaining what will happen within the book without going into exact details of how it will happen. When I read the blurb, I immediately knew it would be something I’d like because not only is it scifi, it’s...
4 1/2 HeartsFirst published at MM Good Book Reviews is eighteen and has had a rough life. He soon learns that nothing is quite as it seems and there is nothing he can do about it, no matter how much he wishes otherwi...