by Ranger, Rolf
Finally, I finished! This appears to be the logical conclusion of Dale's story.I find these books hard to explain to people. They are odd and there are lots of things about them that bug me. However, the idea of 5 men in a relationship that they view as a marriage is just absurd enough that it ha...
This review is a work in progress as this book is as well. I read the first six chapters and enjoyed them so much I joined the Yahoo group in order to follow the progress of the rest.
Another wonderful read, although at times hard going. Just waiting for the conclusion. Hope it's done soon! In the meantime, reading the short stories which have been put into two volumes, each with around 5 stories in each. All available via the yahoo group. Such a great series and I really adore ...
In this volume particularly it finally feels as if Dale is making real progress dealing with his childhood issues. I know it is supposed to be complete at Chapter 22b, but it still feels as if there could have been a few more chapters. I would have preferred some more closure on Mason and Gerry and...
WIPI've been re-reading all the Falls Chance books and coming to the end of this one which is sadly still unfinished. I LOVE it regardless and love reading about Dale's journey to understand who he was and how that fits into who he is becoming. Reading about his husbands Flynn, Riley, Paul, Jasper t...
WIP up to 22a. I am in love. Kate was right in her review, that these stories will hit a soft spot with most m/m readers. There is virtually no sex (none in the first book) and the other books the sex is mostly fade to black. Did this bother me, not in the least. I will say that in the first bo...
One of the most devastatingly emotional and beautiful books I've read.
I did it - I finished it, well at least what there was to finish! Now I'm in line with all the other people waiting for the next chapters :( Please, dear authors, please hurry up and write on, perhaps a bit faster in the future? These stories are totally addictive and I need the next fix asap. Poor ...