What a marvelously weird little book. I really thought I knew where it was going at one point, and then it completely surprised me, which is nice! Nonetheless, I didn’t totally love it–a little too quirky, maybe? Not sure. Regardless, it’s a fun book and I think would make a great readaloud.
Following the resounding success of my Locus Quest, I faced a dilemma: which reading list to follow it up with? Variety is the spice of life, so I’ve decided to diversify and pursue six different lists simultaneously. This book falls into my BEDTIME STORIES list.I have a little boy and love reading ...
A cute story about a new baby, and parents who don't know how to take care of it. Mr. and Mrs. Deer find a bundle on their doorstep with a note: "I am a dear little baby. Please love me and read me lots and lots of stories." The baby bundle roars and roars, and the happy couple seek counsel from fam...