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Completely cheesy and full of cliches with an epilogue that made me laugh out loud in disbelief. But yet... I had a lot of fun reading it. I just hope teenagers recognize it for the fantasy that it is.
I nearly didn't finish this. I'm usually a sucker for the opposites-attract trope, but these two just didn't work for me. Their inner monologues make no sense; the process of both of them realising that they like each other much more than they want to is a torture (and not of the good kind) to behol...
I've been waiting for a while to read this book. I was a little worried to be quite honest, that this would be another case of a story that didn't quite live up to its hype. I've let myself be seduced by rave review before, and ended up very very disappointed.This was NOT the case with Perfect Chemi...
1.5 stars... seriously stereotypical.
I liked the story. I liked the happy ending, epilogue was sweet. I didn't think Brittany was so deserving of Alex. Alex was a bad boy who really was a pretty decent guy. Brittany didn't have much major stressors as she believed.