Why simplify your ideas about God, His purposes and how people should relate to Him? -Because the complex and contradictory ideas that many hold to about God and God’s ways create opportunities for misunderstanding. These complexities, contradictions and misunderstandings often keep people from...
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Why simplify your ideas about God, His purposes and how people should relate to Him? -Because the complex and contradictory ideas that many hold to about God and God’s ways create opportunities for misunderstanding. These complexities, contradictions and misunderstandings often keep people from living lives connected with Spirit and experiencing the Truth that is within them. You may be a Christian and already have ideas about who Jesus was and is; those ideas may be important to you. If you are a Christian this book may challenge some of the traditional views that have recently become popular in Church culture and present new perspectives on familiar portions of scripture.You may be Hindu, Pagan, Muslim or Jewish. Buddhism may suit you better or maybe you were born a Sikh. You may be a Gnostic, agnostic or atheist depending on your confidence in what you feel you know. Are you one of those spiritual but not religious people? Do you resist being labeled? Do you think some people like to label others because they are too lazy or proud to listen or think? If you are spiritual but not religious that is awesome. If you count yourself among the non-Christians this book will provide insight into what the Christian Scriptures actually teach about God, God’s purposes and living a positive, spiritual life in a world that often seems overwhelmed with negativity. However you understand yourself concerning spiritual ideas and experiences there is good news. You are a child of God and as you learn more about your spiritual family life becomes more interesting and fun. This book is about what the Christian Scriptures teach about living as part of God’s spiritual family. The Bible describes people who relate to and abide with Jesus Christ as believing He is a life giving spirit and understanding themselves as part of the Church. When the Church gathers together the life Jesus shares with them is celebrated. Christians consider themselves as having been freed from the oppressive negativity of the times we live in and the joy felt among them is contagious. In the original language of the Christian Scriptures the phrase ‘simplicity of heart’ in the Bible verse above meant a single minded, focused dedication and uncompromising commitment. Like the Christ Followers written about in the Bible this book is committed to the realization of the ideals demonstrated through the life of the man called Jesus Christ. The purpose of this book is to offer a simple perspective that will enable the ideal of the Christian Scriptures to be realized.
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