by Kate Pearce
The blurb for Simply Voracious does the book a great disservice by implying that there’s no romantic or sexual relationship between Lucky and Paul. It’s no spoiler to reveal that Paul and Constantine’s relationship develops (and breaks off) before Paul’s marriage to Lucky. Nor is it a spoiler to s...
This book started off ok and I thought the plot was turning in to a rather good one until about 75% in the whole thing just went bad. Lucinda went from one of my favorite females of the series to my least favorite in the matter of a few paragraphs. It became a huge cluster-f**k and really let me dow...
Stick a fork me in. I think I am done with this series. I really liked the first several books but the misses are missing harder than the hits. And last couple of books I really disliked.My biggest problem with this one is that this had to be the boringest menage ever. We are supposed to believe...
review to come...
4 starsThis book just wow. The writing was light and fast paced or perhaps that was just me since I stayed up late to finish this book. I couldn't wait what would happened next.To be honest, I had never before turned on by M/M. Please don't misunderstood my meaning, I like gay people, I support them...
4 starsThis book just wow. The writing was light and fast paced or perhaps that was just me since I stayed up late to finish this book. I couldn't wait what would happened next.To be honest, I had never before turned on by M/M. Please don't misunderstood my meaning, I like gay people, I support them...