Sinan Antoon سنان أنطون
Birth date: August 24, 1967
Sinan Antoon سنان أنطون's Books
This book was originally written in Arabic, but then translated by the author, into English. According to members of our book group who speak both languages, the content was slightly adjusted to accommodate the different audience. Most of my book group enjoyed this more than I did, but then, one...
أول رواية أٌقرؤها لـ سِنان ..يبدو محترفًا بالتأكيد ..يمزج هنا ببراعة بين الحياة والموت بين الفن والحب والموسيقى والقتل والحرب والإرهاب تلك الحياة المؤلمة التي حوَّلت راسمًا .. كان من الممكن أن يكون عالميًا لو توفرت الظروف إلى مغسِّل أموات .. عبر الحب قلبه مره وهرب منه في الثانية .. هنا الحياة الجمي...
I'jaam's lucid flashbacks and hallucinatory passages written during narrator Furat's Iraqi imprisonment reminds me of similar political or existential novels The Stranger and The Plague. There is even something about I'jaam to recall the less mature Stephen King novella, The Long Walk, and the more ...