by Lissa Kasey, Xara X. Xanakas
Neurotic character and awkward dialogue made this far less interesting than it could have been.
This one was sweet, sexy , emotional , definitely romantic and a fun to read.
Gosh, this was sweet!!! My teeth hurt.. But I loved it!! The stars winked in the sky, and not even the swaying of the boat could bother me now.“I want you to stay up all night with me. Tomorrow will be the first sunrise of the rest of our lives. I want to watch it with you.”“Now and forever, babe.”...
** 2,5 lovey-dovey stars **Jeez! Abram, Mr. Pessimist, wake up and smell your gorgeous, adoring boyfriend already! What the heck are you doing entertaining such thoughts?! And you're such a romantic too...----------------------"I just think that since we're doing this whole move thing, maybe we shou...
***Read as part of the free [b:Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Three|13093435|Don't Read in the Closet Volume Three|Damon Suede||18265330] anthology. Story #9***
Another "meh" one, and also pretty confusing with the changes of the narrators voices. Sometimes you lost track of who's talking. What I did like about it was how Beau loved Abram since the first time he set his eyes on him and how Abram was pretty insecure with himself but Beau helped him go thro...
One of the cutest stories ever.