by Mary Weber, Sarah Zimmerman
Nym risked her life to save Faelen, her homeland, from a losing war, only to discover that the shapeshifter Draewulf has stolen everything she holds dear. But when the repulsive monster robs Nym of her storm-summoning abilities as well, the beautiful Elemental realizes her war is only just beginning...
I thought that this was okay. It definitely wasn't as good as the first book in this trilogy. The book dragged on and I feel like not that much happened until the last two chapters. The main character didn't annoy me in the first book, but she really annoyed me in this one. She kept making stupid de...
Last year I tried to read Siren’s Fury but ended up putting it down halfway through for a few reasons. Back then I didn’t have a co-blogger, so I needed new content and this book was taking too long for me to read. Literally nothing had happened in the plot except that my girl Nym had stowed away...
So, this book was a bit of a quandary. If you'll recall from my review of the first book in this series, I loved the supporting characters but wasn't a huge fan of Nym's unwillingness to fight. I also desperately wished for more world-building and less romance. Picking up Siren's Fury, I mouthed a s...
I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. DNF at 39% I hate to do this because I absolutely LOVED Storm Siren and even pre-ordered Siren’s Fury in hardcover because I was so sure I was ...
2.5 stars; I found Siren's Fury to be a rather frustrating read. Nym made some really stupid decisions. She did a lot of acting on emotion instead of thinking things through. In the first book, Storm Siren I thought Nym was portrayed as a slave pretty well, even though we only got her memories of th...