In Bram Stoker's dark classic Dracula, three "weird sisters," make a brief but unforgettable appearance. The beautiful, mad brides of the vampire lord, their untold histories are at last revealed to us in Sisters of the Night, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's brilliant reimagining of a timeless legend.In...
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In Bram Stoker's dark classic Dracula, three "weird sisters," make a brief but unforgettable appearance. The beautiful, mad brides of the vampire lord, their untold histories are at last revealed to us in Sisters of the Night, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's brilliant reimagining of a timeless legend.In a distant age of brutal chaos, young Kelene is her family's salvation. An exquisite, golden-haired child just entering womanhood's embrace, she is blessed-and cursed-with a great gift. For most of her fourteen years, God's "Militant Angels" have guided her, shielding Kelene, her parents, her brothers and sisters from the horror and devastation visited upon their neighbors by the bloodthirsty Ottoman hordes.But suddenly another has invaded her dreams. This angel who speaks to Kelene in the night is far more elusive and demanding than any who came before-filling her with uncertainty and terrors while tempting her with impure thoughts and unholy desires. He will come to her, he vows, in Kelene's darkest hour. And then she will be his...for eternity.A monumental work of the imagination from an unparalleled storyteller, Sisters of the Night: The Angry Angel is a haunting, erotic, and endlessly enthralling tale of innocent death and corrupted love...and of one extraordinary young woman-the first of three-whom destiny has chosen to be Dracula's consort.
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