by Robert B. Parker
At 293 pages, 63 very short chapters, large print and short sentences, this detective novel does not take long to read. Spenser is hired to investigate the death of a young lady found dead in the hotel room of a film star. Along with Zebulon Sixkill, the film star's ex-bodyguard, he uncovers all sor...
This was the last Spenser novel written by Robert B. Parker, so I may be stretching my rating a tad because of that. But even an average Spenser novel is better than an average novel. Wish it had at least included Hawk somewhere. I'll likely check out some of his other series, but will pass on the S...
As a fan of the early Spenser novels, I read this because it was one of the last (if not the last) written by Parker. The later Spenser novels had a perfunctory feel to them, and this -- which bears some resemblance to Early Autumn in that Spenser mentors someone -- doesn't really escape that assess...
so formulaic, but I love em! RIP Robert Parker
I wasn't sure what to think at the beginning of this book. The character of Sixkill started off feeling very Marty Stu to me. And then I started to like the guy. I felt he was a good match with Spenser but couldn't help but think that it would have been a better story if it had been Hawk at Spens...
Someone else might take up the mantle for the Spenser books, but they'll never be the same. I think Z is a character Parker could have done a lot with. Good read. I really can't remember a Spenser book that wasn't a good read. Wish Hawk would have been here.
I was really hooked on Spenser mysteries straight out of college. Eventually they become pretty repetitive, but I still like him and his crew of repeating characters. It was interesting to read this at the same time I'm reading [b:Don Quixote|3836|Don Quixote|Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra|http://d.g...