by J.S. Cook
4.5 starsAbelard. The medieval reference to an equivalent "rock star" is foreboding and as soon as the stage name is uttered you know tragedy will follow. As a love story, this one tries to kill you. In fact, I guarantee that you will harbor dark thoughts about all the characters, save one. You will...
I will preface this review by saying this was not an easy book to read. Simon Duckworth’s life was riddled with more tragedy than one man should have to endure from sexual abuse and rape to poor body image and bulimic tendencies to closeting his sexuality for the sake of public image; all resulting...
I will preface this review by saying this was not an easy book to read. Simon Duckworth’s life was riddled with more tragedy than one man should have to endure from sexual abuse and rape to poor body image and bulimic tendencies to closeting his sexuality for the sake of public image; all resulting...
1 1/2 HeartsReview written for MM Good Book Reviews has a past that haunts him, and not just by the rape when he was thirteen, when he meets Stephen he falls in love but Stephen rebuffs him, when Simon is plucked from obscurity and thrown into stardom his ...