Skye Moody is the author of eight novels and three books of nonfiction. She has traveled throughout the world as a photojournalist and writer covering social justice and environmental issues. Moody's book, "Hillbilly Women" was produced Off-Broadway in 2011, and won a Mademoiselle Woman of the...
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Skye Moody is the author of eight novels and three books of nonfiction. She has traveled throughout the world as a photojournalist and writer covering social justice and environmental issues. Moody's book, "Hillbilly Women" was produced Off-Broadway in 2011, and won a Mademoiselle Woman of the Year Award. Her book, "WASHED UP: The Curious Journeys of Flotsam and Jetsam," was awarded a Notable Book by the Washington State Library Association. Her portraits of working people in China, the former USSR, and the US have been exhibited worldwide. The international publication, Coastal Magazine named her a "Coastal Character. She is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities grant. Moody is a member of PEN, and Africa Liaison for the NGO, Global Help Organization. A former East Africa bush guide, Moody led medical safaris into the Kenya and Tanzania bush to help diagnose and treat tropical diseases afflicting tribal villages. Some of Skye Moody's titles are now available on Audible audiobooks. Look for others to be added in this URL:
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