Sixteen-year-old Lark Ainsley has never seen the sky. Her world ends at the edge of the vast domed barrier of energy enclosing all that’s left of humanity. For two hundred years the city has sustained this barrier by harvesting its children's innate magical energy when they reach adolescence....
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Sixteen-year-old Lark Ainsley has never seen the sky.
Her world ends at the edge of the vast domed barrier of energy enclosing all that’s left of humanity. For two hundred years the city has sustained this barrier by harvesting its children's innate magical energy when they reach adolescence. When it’s Lark’s turn to be harvested, she finds herself trapped in a nightmarish web of experiments and learns she is something out of legend itself: a Renewable, able to regenerate her own power after it’s been stripped.
Forced to flee the only home she knows to avoid life as a human battery, Lark must fight her way through the terrible wilderness beyond the edge of the world. With the city’s clockwork creations close on her heels and a strange wild boy stalking her in the countryside, she must move quickly if she is to have any hope of survival. She’s heard the stories that somewhere to the west are others like her, hidden in secret—but can she stay alive long enough to find them?
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Format: papier
Publish date: sierpień 2012 (data przybliżona)
Publisher: Carolrhoda Lab
Pages no: 344
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction,
Post Apocalyptic
Series: Skylark (#1)
Skylark -- Meagan Spooner Book 1 of Skylark trilogy When I first started reading YA dystopians, Skylark had been one of few I’d been immensely interested in. For what reason that is, I’m not even sure I remember anymore. But due to the current “trilogy” fad for any and all YA novels, I had decid...
I could not have loved this book more. I need the sequel asap.Highly recommended.
*Worum geht's?*Lark lebt in einer Stadt, die durch eine Mauer von dem Rest der Welt abgeschottet ist – der letzten Stadt der Welt. Die Gesellschaft hat für jeden Bürger einen festen Platz und Lark kann es gar nicht abwarten, endlich ihren Teil für das Wohl der Stadt beizutragen. Als Larks Magie geer...