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Śledztwo Na Cztery Ręce - Agatha Christie
Śledztwo Na Cztery Ręce
by: (author)
4.00 5
ISBN: 9788373846715 (8373846719)
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie
Pages no: 280
Edition language: Polski
Series: Tommy and Tuppence (#2)
Community Reviews
Abandoned by user
Abandoned by user rated it
3.5 Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie
This is the second of the Tommy & Tuppence Beresford books - some time has passed since the events of The Secret Adversary, and they are now quite the staid married folks. Or not. Partners in Crime is a series of linked short stories - the British government has need of the Beresfords again, to ta...
Jennifer's Books
Jennifer's Books rated it
3.0 Partners in Crime
This is a cute collection of short stories tied loosely together by an spy arc. They also all feature Tommy and Tuppence solving their mysteries by employing the methods of various fictional detectives, including Christie's own Hercule Poirot. I enjoy Tommy and Tuppence as a couple and detectives,...
Tannat rated it
More of a series of short stories than a novel, so it was a bit uneven. Some of the mysteries were quite clever, however. I find Tommy and Tuppence really fun as partners and characters, although they're not quite as adorable here as they were in the first book. There's an awful lot of detective...
heidenkind rated it
Meh. More of a series of interconnected short stories than a novel. Kind of disappointing after The Secret Adversary.
NinthWanderer rated it
I read this volume of short stories after seeing the Mystery! adaptation in the 80s. I thought Francesca Annis was fabulous (still do), and just fell in love with Tommy and Tuppence. They were bold, adventurous and fun. I wanted to be British and live in the 20s and be one of Blunt's Brilliant Detec...
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