Sloe Ride
The fourth installment in the Sinners series, this time following the story of Kane Morgan's younger brother Quinn.
The fourth installment in the Sinners series, this time following the story of Kane Morgan's younger brother Quinn.
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Edition language: English
Series: Sinners (#4)
Listening to Rhys Ford's 'Sinner's' series has been such a treat and I have to admit I've loved being able to marathon these books. My original review for this book said that this was my favorite book and I can believe that because it's still my favorite book. I absolutely adore Rafe and Quinn a...
The 4th book in the Sinners series stars the 3rd of all those Morgan brothers (I think there are 7 brothers and one sister) and the man destined to become the band's bass player. I think that Quinn and Rafe just might be my favourite of all the Sinners pairings. I love how Rafe just gets Quinn ...
- Narrator: Tristan JamesReview to come.
'Sloe Ride' started out being all about Quinn for me. I've wanted his story from the moment he showed up in the series. He's the Morgan sibling that's different, not just because he didn't become a cop but because 'he's wired differently'. Quinn sees the world from a different perspective than other...
Was this the last one? This saddens me.