by Erin McCarthy
This book would have received five stars..if I hadn't been so confused. Didn't Evan retire from racing? I thought he retired in the last book.
*3.5 stars* I liked Tuesday and I liked Daniel (Diesel) but I was a bit frustrated with Erin McCarthy. I've read the other books in the series and I really enjoyed them but this time, I felt like the editing was off. Words were misused which was unusual for this author. But what really just ripped...
I really enjoy these books. Although, I think I needed a little more plot in this one. That and the alcohol is what kept it from 4 stars for me. I have little patience for people who drink rather than deal with their problems. Apparently that transitions into literature as well. Is it just me, or is...
Definitely my least favorite of the series. I liked Diesel enough but Tuesday got on my nerves especially at the end. She was flat out wrong and the fact that no one seemed to see that and call her out on it made me crazy. I also felt like a whole chapter or two was missing at one point. They seemed...
The story started out pretty good with an adorable hero and there was lots of steam but I thought the heroine was rather offensive despite her circumstances. Sports blogger Tuesday cries on Diesel shoulder at her fathers funeral then a few days later he drives her home from a wedding where she got ...
I actually wished this book was longer. There was a lot of potential for it to be, but McCarthy has her limit of course.This was a much better read than The Chase. I liked Tuesday. She's a spaz just like myself and Daniel/Diesel was very sweet and sexy. The theme of them both dealing with loss worke...
Originally posted on Joyfully Reviewed: stock car racing world knows her as the sassy Tuesday Talladega, but journalist Tuesday Jones isn’t feeling like her spunky self. She recently lost her father to cancer and the grief is...
I liked this book. All are pretty consistent. I actually liked Danial [Diesel] quite a bit. I like the strong, silent type and he fit this bill. He and Tuesday were evenly matched.My one big complaint - too short. I think this book with all the angst in the story, could/should have been longer. She ...
Rating 3.5Slow Ride is the story of Kendall's friend Tuesday who writes sports blog.Tuesday just lost her father to cancer and on his funeral cries all over Daniel "Diesel", her dad's favorite race car driver.They meet again at Kendall's wedding where a drunk Tuesday hits on him. Diesel stopped driv...