"Slumdog Millionaire" (Scholastic Readers)
Vikas Swarup (author)
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary graded material that will stimulate students. Slumdog Millionaire - the story of a young boy from the streets of Mumbai who wins popular quiz show Who wants to be a millionaire - won eight Oscars and...
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Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary graded material that will stimulate students. Slumdog Millionaire - the story of a young boy from the streets of Mumbai who wins popular quiz show Who wants to be a millionaire - won eight Oscars and was a huge box office success. Its strong storyline, set against a fascinating cultural backdrop is sure to appeal to older students.
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Format: audiobook
9781905775910 (1905775911)
Publish date: 2010
Publisher: Scholastic Readers
Minutes: 88
Edition language: English
Blog Stories Review: http://storiesbooksandmovies.blogspot.it/2015/05/le-dodici-domande-vikas-swarup.html Pochi film sono riusciti ad avere un successo pari a quello di The Millionaire. Caratterizzato da un cast sconosciuto (o quasi) e da una colonna sonora in perfetto stile indiano, la pellicola di...
Już nie mogę znieść tych ciągłych dywagacji na temat wyższości ekranizacji nad pierwowzorem książkowym lub odwrotnie. Tym bardziej, że jestem zdecydowanie zwolennikiem wyższości książek nad ekranizacjami. A tu jeszcze się może okazać, że ekranizacja odbiega od pierwowzoru! I na dokładkę może być prz...
[Originally posted on Tumblr on 16. January 2013] I finished reading ‘Q and A' by Vikas Swarup today. I really enjoyed reading this while at the same time wondering about how over the top the bad things are that happen to the characters. I don’t know much about India so it’s not my place to assume...
After reading a few other reviews, I agree that the novel is highly melodramatic. I haven't been to India, but I do understand the depravity of the slums and the caste system. And while Swarup really made an effort to make the reader understand what this part of India is like, I found it melodramati...
I really liked the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" as did many other people. The book was good but not great, and I enjoyed the movie was adapted from the book much more.