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Smack - Community Reviews back

by Melvin Burgess
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Melody Murray's Books
Melody Murray's Books rated it 14 years ago
I was up a goodly portion of the night reading this book. I didn't mean to be. It's that kind of book, though. Stark, brilliant and uncompromising, this is the story of a couple of kids who find a life less ordinary in the squats of early 1980s England. They also find heroin and love, though they ha...
Coffee Bean Bookshelf
Coffee Bean Bookshelf rated it 15 years ago
This book was interesting in that it told the story from the point of view of different characters - most of whom were addicted to heroine. They led a hard life, having to live on the streets, and the girls eventually started "on the game" to feed their addiction.But I think the same subject was ap...
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