by Dan Vyleta
(I got a copy through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.) I really liked the premise: sin and violent emotions taking on shape and scent, through a strange smoke people let escape in spite of themselves, in an alternate Victorian setting where, much like in real Victorian England, the "l...
A very brief soundbite review. A brilliant premise and some beautiful writing that left me bored for 3/4 of the book and absolutely adoring of the beginning and the end. Needed a huge edit to get rid of the verbose over egging of the pudding for the entirety of the middle. WAY too long with lots o...
No one knows were the Smoke came from or how to get rid of it, but most people in Dan Vyleta’s alternate turn of the twentieth century England have a fairly clear idea of what the smoke means: sin. In Smoke, the rich are taught to control their emotions and live according to a strict moral code so t...
#SMOKE AVAILABLE 5/24/16 SLOW START, BUT IT GETS LOTS BETTER! 4 STARS @danvyleta @doubledaybooks I received this ARC in the mail along with a box of sweets which meant absolutely nothing to me. Then, I was approved on Net Galley. It finally came down to reading it and alas, I found out what t...