by Ethan Day
What the hell did just happen? I can't even... What happens to Boone when he winds up dumped on the eve of his one-year anniversary and ends up at a bar having one too many cocktails? Wade Walker. Uhm. I have no idea where to start. Let's talk about Boone first, since it's his POV we're s...
Upon the counsel of good friends, DNF at 32%.Life is too short to read books you don't enjoy.But one more ski hottie just cuz.
Funny read, but not all that special.Loved Boone, Wade was okay. Romance was a bit boring, sex was hot.Not much more to say.
A charming short story that had tonnes of laughs, throw-me-up-against-a-wall-you-Olympic-sex-god sex, and some surprisingly sweet moments. What's not to like?!