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Snowballs in Hell - Community Reviews back

by Eve Langlais
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mlsimmons rated it 9 years ago
Review originally posted at RabidReads.com. Muriel is now out as the daughter of Lucifer. People are trying to assassinate her. Auric, a fallen angel and her lover, is getting even more protective of her. They aren’t even seeing that much of dear ‘ol Dad because he has his hands fu...
Aly's Miscellany
Aly's Miscellany rated it 12 years ago
Quotes:“You celebrate the birth of Christ?” asked David, his brows high in surprise.“Not exactly. As you well know, Christ wasn’t born in December. Nope, we celebrate the solstice by decorating a big ass tree, setting it on fire and dancing naked around it.”I said this so seriously that it took Davi...
Sassafrass rated it 13 years ago
OMG, Eve Langlais is hilarious! I know I read this out of order, but I needed it for a challenge, so I'll go back and read number one, but this one was fantastic! Muriel was such a bitch, I loved her. Perfect daughter for Satan. And the ending...talk about cliff hanger. I can't wait to get to nu...
mlsimmons rated it 13 years ago
This book is really cute. I laughed out loud more than once. Great story. Can't wait to read the last book of the series. :)
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews
I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews rated it 13 years ago
Once again I was able to fulfill my need from some snark and sex...this one even had a little menage in it...one of my favorite elements of the erotic world. I was totally upended by the turn of events by the book's end. Looks like Hell is in for a little shake up in the next installment. Now THIS...
Romancing the Dark Side
Romancing the Dark Side rated it 14 years ago
Too hot even for Hell! This book is sure to keep you warm on those long winter nights! The ménage scenes are scorching! It’s a fun and sexy novella with a little adventure and more action between the sheets! The characters are enjoyable and bring great humor to the table. *Caution: This story might...
Bitten by Romance
Bitten by Romance rated it 14 years ago
I loved Snowballs in Hell! This is another wicked adventure from Lucifer’s daughter Muriel. You'll find out the meaning of Hell’s frozen over in this book. I enjoyed reading this book until I got to the end and then.. NO! She didn't! I was left HANGING!… I started screaming EVE! WHERE IS THE NEXT BO...
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