Snowpiercer is the enthralling and thought-provoking post-apocalyptic graphic novel that inspired the critically acclaimed movie starring Chris Evans (Captain America, Fantastic Four). Originally published in French, this marks the first time that Snowpiercer will be available in English.In a...
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Snowpiercer is the enthralling and thought-provoking post-apocalyptic graphic novel that inspired the critically acclaimed movie starring Chris Evans (Captain America, Fantastic Four). Originally published in French, this marks the first time that Snowpiercer will be available in English.In a harsh, uncompromisingly cold future where Earth has succumbed to treacherously low temperatures, the last remaining members of humanity travel on a train while the outside world remains encased in ice. The surviving community are not without a social hierarchy; those that travel at the front of the train live in relative luxury whilst those unfortunate enough to be at the rear remain clustered like cattle in claustrophobic darkness. Yet, things are about to change aboard the train as passengers become disgruntled...
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Format: hardcover
9781782761334 (1782761330)
ASIN: 1782761330
Publish date: 2014-01-28
Publisher: Titan Comics
Pages no: 110
Edition language: English
Science Fiction,
Sequential Art,
Graphic Novels,
Graphic Novels Comics,
Comic Book,
Post Apocalyptic,
Take an apocalyptic ride on the Orient Express. Not much mystery, but lots of doom and a little bit of noir. The characters are rough around the edges and nobody's squeaky clean. Definitely going to keep reading, but I'm scared to watch the movie since the book is excellent!
Recently saw Snowpiercer. The whole time I'm watching it certain parts of these books kept coming to my mind. So if you've seen Snowpiercer you might like these two books. INSIDE OUT by Maria V. Snyder (this one is YA) WOOL OMNIBUS by Hugh Howey If you've read these books and liked them, you m...
This is another story where the idea behind the fiction is intriguing, but the story itself fails in a few ways. For one, the characters aren't developed beyond a few key characteristics; for another, the pacing is off, to the point where the really important parts of the story happen in a matter o...