by Meg Mitchell Moore
Book: So Far Away Author: Meg Mitchell Moore Genre: Fiction/Family/Teen/Drama Summary: Thirteen-year-old Natalie Gallagher wants to escape: from her parents’ ugly divorce and from the vicious cyberbullying of her former best friend. Adrift, confused, she is a girl trying to find her way in a w...
The slow pace and effortless flow drew me into the story and unfolded the characters lives and personalities bit by bit while also entwining them all together. Overall enjoyable read, nothing outstanding one way or another but definitely a story you can relax with.
So Far Away tells the story of Natalie, a thirteen year old bullying victim also struggling with her parents’ divorce, and Kathleen, the middle aged archivist meant to help Natalie with a genealogy project for school. The two are connected through Bridgette, an Irish maid in 1920s Boston whose diary...
This review first appeared in full here, on Buried In Print.When I read this, I felt that little tingle you get, as a reader, when you think you've found a perfect match for your reading taste:"It’s like pulling a thread that unravels and unravels. One loose thread, and you can un-knit an entire swe...
Read my full review at: opinion: Although I loved the storyline of this book, the writing left me periodically cold and thought it came off as distant. Furthermore, I thought the chunk of this book, maybe because of the actions of a bunch of 13 year olds really came off as a YA...
Ehhh, this one just didn't do it for me. I had a difficult time getting over many of my pet peeves such as the recurrence of a word throughout a sentence or paragraph, poorly-formed sentence structure that made me halt and re-listen to figure out what was really being said, and character cluelessnes...