by Jon Ronson
I really enjoyed this book and it left me with lots to think about. It deals with public shaming both online and elsewhere. His sympathies are not necessarily mine but it does make you stop and think about mob mentality and the damage it can have on its victim. This was a good start to my reading y...
Blitzed: A highly informative and gripping read about Nazi Germany and the significance of drugs during World War II. Drugs didn´t fit in the idealogy of the Nazis, but despite banning them, one substance with a highly addictive potential became the drug of the people: methamphetine. The sheer possi...
"Yet most journalists still profess the ideal of objective reporting, even when it comes to highly subjective matters. No proper journalist has ever admitted that anybody who does or suffers anything that brings them into public attention, intentionally or not, has an right to privacy. But in practi...
Ronson looks at several recent cases in which people were publicly shamed on the internet, sometimes for serious offenses and sometimes for making an offensive remark. At first Ronson is enthusiastic about internet shaming as a tool for justice in the hands of the masses, but as he gets to know some...
Yes, but Kindle.
Jon Ronson books are typically a collection of amusing anecdotes about the lunatic fringe or bizarre situations. This book has a more sinister edge as it delves into the mire of the internet mob mentality. The narration is delivered with the usual seemingly naive earnestness that Jon is known for bu...