by Sara Alva
This is a wonderful story of coming out, first-time love , first-love heartbreak and basically many “firsts” all happening at once.Connor is in his first year at UVA, but the only thing he really feels safe with is his music and his violin. Painfully shy and socially awkward he finds solace in his m...
3.5 stars
Two days after I finished, I realized I haven't written my full thoughts on it *lol*. Okay, Never read the free version -- so I don't know how different this is or whether it has been significantly reedited and revamped. This rating is for the published edition.This is quite a long one ... and at ti...
This one ran out of steam for me at around 40%...Just felt repetitive and not really like I was reading anything new. Reason might be that I've read pretty outstanding YA lately and this one just fell short. Maybe I'll pick it up some time, for now, goes back to the maybe shelf.