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Song of the Beast - Community Reviews back

by Carol Berg
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Alissa rated it 10 years ago
This book and its author are a stonking discovery. I’m a fan of Janny Wurts ([b:The Wars of Light and Shadow|28660|The Curse of the Mistwraith (Wars of Light & Shadow, #1)|Janny Wurts|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328835513s/28660.jpg|1945432] is my favorite epic fantasy series ever) and Carol Berg...
Angel's Book Reviews 2.0
Angel's Book Reviews 2.0 rated it 10 years ago
SONG OF THE BEAST, BY CAROL BERGThis book has been in my to-read list for so long, I had almost forgotten it. Dragons are one of my favorite fantastical creatures, as I'm sure is the case for many people. I'm pretty sure this wasn't recommended to me by anyone, but I still thought it was about time ...
BreakRaven rated it 12 years ago
I think this is the most beautiful book I've ever read. I absolutely adored it, especially as an introduction to an author I'd never heard of before. It was glued to my fingertips until two o'clock in the morning.Aidan MacAllister is perfect in every way, including his flaws. His story is touching, ...
Saturdays in Books
Saturdays in Books rated it 12 years ago
The first quarter of this didn't really grab me. It was adequate to pass the time while driving. Then it just got better and better. And once we get past the parts where we're supposed to care that we don't know how elves reproduce, the pace really picks up - yeah, about the time the total badass ch...
book reviews forevermore
book reviews forevermore rated it 13 years ago
A bump up from three and a half stars. Written like a traditional epic fantasy, plotting still went in a few unexpected directions in romance and manipulation. At heart is a mystery why the lead was imprisioned, and part of him is reluctant to find out. He meets a person or two to boot him on his wa...
BreakRaven rated it 14 years ago
I think this is the most beautiful book I've ever read. I absolutely adored it, especially as an introduction to an author I'd never heard of before. It was glued to my fingertips until two o'clock in the morning.Aidan MacAllister is perfect in every way, including his flaws. His story is touching, ...
Autumn Adventures
Autumn Adventures rated it 15 years ago
Probably 3.5 starsI related best to Aidan's character and point of view. Berg used first person throughout the novel, but would switch to alternate characters' point of views at pivotal plot points. Oddly, I did not relate well to the only female character, Lara, and in fact, skimmed through most o...
BookWatcher rated it 15 years ago
I like it… well, the end was not what I was expecting but I love it! My eyes were full of tears reading the last words... so sweet!The book is also well writing but the change of narrator is a little confusing (maybe only Aidan MacAllister as storyteller would be better). My compliments to Carol Ber...
Feliz Faber
Feliz Faber rated it 21 years ago
A singer without a voice, a musician with mangled hands, his enemies think him broken beyond repair. But the truth cannot be silenced. Aidan Mc Allister is a wonderful tortured hero. I read a lot of Carol Berg's, but this one was the first, and it had me immediately hooked. Set in a world remotely r...
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