Sophia McDougall
Birth date: May 31, 1979
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This is great! A fantastic read for any age, this is like Ender's Game if you replaced all the pretentiousness and angst with adventure and hope. And had more than one girl. Teenagers on Mars! Invisible aliens! Science! It also has all the wonderful little details that I love about book product...
Smart, exciting middle grade scifi. It’s got a sense of pacing, but doesn’t lose characterizations in the midst of that, which is nice. I’m looking forward to the next book.
Given how much I enjoyed last year's Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane, I was definitely eager to sample another batch of tales, as selected by Jonathan Oliver, when this one crossed my desk.While I didn't enjoy it quite as much, The End of the Road: An Anthology of Original Fiction is ...
Edited by Jonathan Oliver, Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane brings together a wide (and surprising) variety of authors from across the world, and across the genre shelves. Advertised as a "perfect read for Hallowe’en and the long autumn evenings ahead," it went right to the top of the ...