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Trying to get all the comics cleared off my couch, bedside table, computer chair and yes, floor. I swear, they aren't being ruined! Punks Git Cut - I got two paper cuts from this 'zine collection. One right on my knuckle, it bled for an hour. Not only the paper in this witty collection was cutt...
For Christmas last year I received the entire Unshelved book collection. Some other books accompanied them and this was one of them. This is not what I would call and "adorable children's book", no, definitely not. If you have cats, it's funny and light-hearted and pretty disgusting. I cackled at ...
Too cute is my description! This is an original story, not about a boy and his dog, but for a change, about a boy and his cat and the age old problem of training a pet. The cover is perfect for the theme of the book but it may cause the reader to wrinkle his nose upon seeing it!The story is about a ...
a nice anecdotal tale that is just the right story-size for a picture book, but written for all ages.