Lara is haunted by her great aunt Sadie who insists that Lara help her find a necklace, so she can rest in peace. To save Sadie's body from getting cremated, Lara states that she thinks her great aunt was murdered, which was ridiculous. Lara makes up an extremely ludicrous story about her great aunt...
Twenties Girl is a ghost story about Lara, a young struggling business women who just got dumped by both her boyfriend and her flaky business partner. Enter Sadie, a 1920's loving former 105 year old who just can't rest in peace without her beloved necklace. Allow me to start by asking: Is there s...
A touching and funny account of Lara Lingston, a love obsessed twenty-something, who encounters the ghost of her great-aunt, Sadie. Lara is much like Becky, the shopaholic, in that funny stuff happens to her, but unlike Becky she's not ditzy. This book had me laughing out loud in some parts, and cry...
This book is amazing. I loved every minute of it. It's about a girl named Lara who gets visited by the ghost of her great-aunt Sadie. Sadie visits Lara because she needs Lara to find a missing dragonfly necklace that has been in her possesion for over 75 years. I absolutely loved the connection ...
I started reading Twenties Girl around the middle of 2010 and stopped after reading about the first hundred pages or so. Yes, I had a one teeny tiny bit of a problem with the book for including an American character in it. It's takes away the special feeling that I especially want to associate with ...
An awesome read. So much fun yet so much to think about. Old people are really overlooked in our be-forever-young society. Hopefully this story will give us all a bit of inspiration to learn more about our family roots and talk to our aunts and grandmas - before it is too late...