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My favorites, listed by author:- Joe R. Lansdale- Michael Martone- Barry Napier- Jennifer Haddock- Brian Crawford- Eric Hsu- L.R. Bonehill (awesome bio, too)- Ken Bruen- Kirk Curnutt- John Cashman- Robin Hollis- Ann Harleman- Agnieszka Stachura- Gregg Hurwitz- Jenifer Rosenberg- Stuart Dybek- Sarah ...
I read this in about an hour. It's fantastic--the entire time I was cringing or making sad faces or laughing or penning emoticons in the margins. I'm awed by how much the authors manage to convey in so few words. Some of the pieces in the "Love and Hate" section do fall flat, probably because it's h...
I had never heard of flash fiction or micro fiction or any of that other stuff before I read this little book. Hint fiction is apparently a new concept made popular by Robert Swartwood, the editor. He hosted a contest in which people had to submit stories that were 25 words or less with the full imp...
I was so inspired by this little anthology of stories told in 25 words or fewer that I decided to do a "hint review" Not quite sure how good it will come out but here we go:---------------------------------------------All of these stories have a sock-it-to-you quality that you may or may not get up...
Here's an example of Hint Fiction, the very first story in the book, a story by Joe R. Lansdale called "The Return": "They buried him deep. Again."And that's it. The whole story. Isn't that marvelous? The stories in this book flash like a lightning bolt across the sky of your head when you read th...