Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot
9780606328340 (0606328343)
Publisher: Turtleback Books
Edition language: English
Series: Cecelia and Kate (#1)
This is just really good fun - I found it recommended on a "If you like Gail Carriger..." list and while it's YA (i.e. no sex *g*), it has a similar sense of whimsy and plays very amusingly with Regency clichés (only with a magical twist). I also quite enjoyed the epistolary style, as the whole nove...
A combo that, in my case, never fails: magic + regency. Besides, one of the 2 writers is Patricia Wrede, who also is the author of my favorite fantasy series, The Enchanted Forest. The other one is Caroline Stevermer, who is also wonderful. The book is written in Letter format: Mrs. Wrede wrote Cece...
A fun read, with a lovely blend of romance, magic and mystery. It was a bit difficult to discern the heroines' separate voices, but I enjoyed it very much nonetheless. Would work for YA or adult readers. Eager to read the sequels now.
I'm amazed that the authors never discussed the plot when they were writing their portions. It's a clever read, and I loved the setting and voices of the characters. Sometimes there seem to be quite a few characters to keep straight - or there are little details that don't seem to add much, but I'm ...
Fun, delightful, witty, those are the words most often repeated in the reviews for this book and it pretty well sums it up. You also see Jane Austen meets Harry Potter, which is I guess a good a shorthand as any, but I don't think it's a deep as Austen or as childish as the first Harry Potters. Tw...