by Antonio Tabucchi
The content is not culturally translatable to a Dutch girl. The title is going to haunt me and remind me that sometimes you don't have to keep reading to get it. Obnoxious.
“[…] but I feel I must tell you that originally, we were Lusitanians, and then came the Romans and the Celts, and then came the Arabs, so what sort of race are we Portuguese in a position to celebrate? The Portuguese Race, replied the editor-in-chief, and I am sorry to say Pereira, that I don’t like...
I don’t know what it is about Tabucchi, but no other man writer has ever cast such a spell on me.His books are like air – light yet essential to life, and with many layers of varying density, textures and altitudes. He transports me not just mentally, but in a way also physically, to magical worlds....
You hear a beautiful piece of music and every time you close your eyes to enjoy it, an annoying child blows his toy trumpet in your ear. The toy trumpet being the words ¨Pereira maintains¨. Either the translator failed when converting it into English or the tone of this book is not culturally tran... adventure in reading this novel Pereira Declares can be summed up by the word enjoyable. Antonio Tabucchi clearly bought me out completely. I loved every word of this translation. Though I am not, for the most part, ...
bookshelves: books-with-a-passport, translation, philosophy, published-1994, spring-2011, period-piece, catholic, shortstory-shortstories-novellas Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Pressie from Carey - thankee xx Read from March 11 to 12, 2011 pereira maintains he met him one summer's day.After just...
pereira maintains he met him one summer's day.After just one short chapter the title over-use is grating (think Mr Moto), however if I can ignore that dimension this has the feel of a story that might just blow me away.ETA - yep - an absolute winner, along the lines of Every Man Dies Alone but with ...
This may be a small book but it is an extraordinary great book - beautifully written / translated and one which will keep me thinking for a long while. Tragic yet ultimately inspiring, Bettie, Hayes et al you are in for a treat....