by Raen Smith
I started out loving this.Cash’s voice was one I could read in for days. It was a bit John Green esque, and I couldn’t put it down. He was your typical teenage boy, but he was witty and adorable with a “Luella Intuition” that intrigued me. God, he was awesome.So things happened and promises were mad...
Quick review for a quick read. I guess on a positive note to start this review - at least this book wasn't nearly as depressing as many other New Adult titles? "Southbound Surrender" definitely had this distinct chick-lit, humored vibe that was meant to be funny in places, but you know what killed t...
I finished this yesterday night and it left me at odds. Because some things are really wonderful and others weren't that great. So this morning I am still at the same dilemma; How to rate this? Well it's good. So three stars. But this is seriously well written. So it's kinda more. It's not really ...