by Rich Horton, David Moles, Jay Lake, Dan Simmons, John Scalzi, Richard A. Lovett, Ken MacLeod, Charles Stross, Gareth L. Powell, Jayme Lynn Blaschke, C.W. Johnson, Robert Reed
"More than five-hundred pages, over one-quarter of a million words... Space Opera spans a vast range of epic interstellar adventure stories told against a limitless cosmos filled with exotic aliens, heroic characters, and incredible settings. A truly stellar compilation of tales from one of the de...
As we pass the halfway mark of the year, we find the first of the new 'best of' anthologies flooding the market. Currently I have 4 monster tomes that I've been reading through, jumping around between favorite authors and intriguing titles. I'm not one to read an anthology from cover-to-cover, but I...