by Jenna Black
Lots of great emotion in this one. I'm liking Morgan a heck of a lot better.
I truly like this series. Is it wrong that I am torn between Morgan's relationship with Brian and the pseudo-relationship she has with Lugh? That I would like to see the pseudo-relationship turn more real? Oh, well . . .This particular installment seems to be a 'anything that could go wrong, does' b...
Conclusion: Things you need to know about this book. 1. Morgan has her exorcism license suspended, gets sued, and in the end, it gets dropped.2. Morgan cries and whines her way throughout the book after having lost Brian because she can't trust anyone. ::sigh::3. Morgan tries to use S&M to lure Bria...
Morgan is in trouble again, she is being sued by the family of a client she exorcised after he was left brain dead and she has been suspended from her job while the case is ongoing. She has no money and no income and doesn't know how she can afford to pay for a lawyer to defend her. To top it all ...
Morgan Kingsley, excorist extrodinaire, is always in trouble. She flies by the seat of her pants from one disaster to another. Hosting the King of demons in her body, and keeping it a secret, is no picnic. In this book Morgan has been suspended from her job as an exorcist pending a law suit. Aft...
This really felt like a transition novel, more filler than anything. The book before was pretty action-packed and all kinds of things happened. This one was just kind of blah. It really feels like things are getting stretched out and the main storyline was boring. Here's what happens in a nutshell, ...
Overall, Speak of the Devil does some major development on a lot of the characters as Black gives us more glimpses into Morgan and her inner circle than ever before. Quite honestly, this isn’t going to be one of those novels that keeps your attention because of the insane action, but instead because...